Mix of selected peony cultivars indicated below. These herbaceous perennials are very long-lived (they can live more than 50 years), vigorous and have magnificent scented flowers. They lend themselves to both pot and ground cultivation.
Fiori ad anemone, profumati, dai grandi e delicati petali bianchi che custodiscono una profusione di alti e stretti petaloidi color giallo pallido.
Soft white/cream smaller central petals, on a crown of light pink wavy petals. A magnificent hybrid with an intense sweet aroma.
Mix of scented herbaceous peonies. It is not possible to choose the color because we breed them in a mix, so the color of the flower will be random.
Peony with unusual flowers, semi-double, pale pink, with dark pink stamens.
Large white flowers, very double, cupped, with a very intense aroma, with large outer petals surrounding a soft center formed by mottled bright purple petaloids mixed with intense yellow stamens.
'Cytherea' is an incredibly stunning perfumed peony with huge buds in a vibrant fuchsia colour. The flower has mutable tones: as it lightens, lighter and darker flowers remain on display on the same plant, with yellow stamens in the centre.
Una delle peonie più insolite e affascinanti: la forma giapponese del fiore è molto rara negli ibridi di peonie e questa cultivar è probabilmente la migliore di tutte. I petali esterni rosso-bordeaux circondano un suggestivo centro formato da staminoidi color rosso, oro e bianco.
One of the darkest red blooms available on the market. Peony with very double dark red flowers and a rich and spicy scent.
A classic peony with large and long-lasting flowers, anemone-like, very fragrant, with dark fuchsia petals; central petaloids very dense, rather broad.
Peonia dai grandi fiori semidoppi color salmone-corallo che insieme agli stami centrali giallo carico creano un magnifico abbinamento.
Fiori ad anemone enormi, molto appariscenti e delicatamente profumati, con petali esterni fucsia-carminio chiaro che incorniciano una profusione di petaloidi, stretti, color bianco avorio.
Filtri (12 products)